我先在活動網頁上報名,參加了Carla組的迷你13人team-BUCC. 除了自己捐款外,也鼓勵親朋好友一同有錢出錢、有力出力(就是走路啦!)
很早就報名這個活動的我,算是期待許久。心裡總想說,啊不就是走路嗎? 我很喜歡走路啊!應該很好玩吧 :D
前一晚借宿在朋友書維家,快一點才睡。早上六點起床,八點半開始走,我很訝異大家走路的腳程都很快,不像是悠閒的散步,而像是快走!XD 仔細想了一下,嗯~的確需要走快些,要不然太陽下山前應該是走不完全程的...中途有設一些check points,免費提供飲水和流動廁所(portable restrooms),還有義工們會幫我們在地圖上畫笑臉:) (註記已走到某某mile)。路上交通管制,整個人群隊伍就大剌剌的走在馬路上,感覺真過癮!也有許多人沿途幫我們大聲加油 and give me five!也有band在一些定點演奏音樂,若真的走不動了,有些地方有公車把妳載回終點站。
Carla, Caitlin and Kate. Caitlin也有下來走一段路喔.. :)
中間走走停停,但是都是只喝喝水,吃些小點心,上個廁所後就又繼續走了。我發現從10.5miles後我們就沒有休息了。朋友彥含和我走在一起,彼此加油打氣,還confirm現在酸痛到哪個程度了..我們發現我們都是從腳指開始痛(我是因為下坡某腳趾一直撞到鞋子),接著膝蓋後面下方小腿處很酸痛,下一階段是腳掌前半塊很酸痛、有灼熱感(喔天啊~我怎麼記得那麼詳細@@)。不知道走到幾miles後,就開始一起痛了!而且我們發現,這時千萬不能停下來休息,一停下來,要再重新啟動就非常困難。走到最後,簡直就是靠意志力在撐。同儕壓力很可怕,本來腳很酸好想坐下來休息,但看到周遭還一堆人在走,就繼續努力。路邊很多可愛的大看板很encouraging..像是Keep it Up! Pump it Up! You can do it! You are the Best! You're gonna make it after all !
終於..在下午五點時,我和彥含做最後衝刺,還奮力小跑步了一下,衝過終點線!YEAH!we made it!20 miles walk!! i found myself crazy doing this, but isn't that awesome?! ;)
喜歡走路嗎? 來參加這種有意義的活動吧!:)
1. 今年約有44,000人參加,募得捐款截至目前為止共$3.8million美金。
2. 很多朋友乍聽到這個活動,第一個反應竟然都是: 那你們中途有吃東西嗎? (OS:我們當然有喝水和吃一些小點心啊..要不然應該是爬完全程吧XD) 然後又很「嚴苛」的說: 不是為飢餓而走嗎?! 那怎麼還吃東西呢? (OS:嗚嗚..我們是響應這個活動啦..但是自己生命還是要顧的..^^")
3. Why Walk?
Today in Massachusetts, more than 522,000 people are struggling to put food on the table. They include the Commonwealth's most vulnerable citizens--children, senior adults, people with chronic illness, and the working poor. They're suffering from an increase in poverty and the high cost of living. Last year, Project Bread-funded emergency food programs provided more than 43.4 million meals to hungry people.
As a Walk for Hunger participant, you've just demonstrated your personal commitment to helping us alleviate hunger.
Today in Massachusetts, more than 522,000 people are struggling to put food on the table. They include the Commonwealth's most vulnerable citizens--children, senior adults, people with chronic illness, and the working poor. They're suffering from an increase in poverty and the high cost of living. Last year, Project Bread-funded emergency food programs provided more than 43.4 million meals to hungry people.
As a Walk for Hunger participant, you've just demonstrated your personal commitment to helping us alleviate hunger.
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